Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)


Determines whether it is necessary to create a new palette.


BOOL ShouldUpdate(
    const VIDEOINFOHEADER *pNewInfo,
    const VIDEOINFOHEADER *pOldInfo



Pointer to a VIDEOINFOHEADER structure containing the new set of colors.


Pointer to a VIDEOINFOHEADER structure containing the old set of colors.

Return Value

Returns one of the following values.

Value Description
TRUE A new palette is required.
FALSE The existing palette suffices.


Use this function to test whether it is necessary to create a new palette. If the original type does not use a palette and the new one does (or vice versa), this method returns TRUE. If neither formats use a palette, this method returns FALSE. If both formats use a palette, the colors are compared, and if they match, the method returns FALSE.

See Also